Autogasvergleich.de WebApp to quickly find the nearest LPG filling station
With our LPG WebApp you will have with just a click all LPG stations in our list autogasvergleich.de. Well on your smartphone or tablet
Using various search functions (GPS, Postcode and place Google), you are guaranteed to find an LPG filling station in your area.
News and important information that will be displayed on the "normal" autogasvergleich.de page, here you also get a clear and compact for future reference.
To your personal user account with autogasvergleich.de you have also access within the app! Thus, for example when on the move Manage your favorites.
The following functions are described in detail in our WebApp:
- No Ads in the app source code
- Small changes in the app (icon, etc.)
- Update the website, optimization of the template
- A Google Analystik
- The Adroid web browser plugins have been unlocked
- Proximity Search via GPS / IP (Menu -> Select Auto LPG search)
- LPG LPG filling stations in Germany and Europe
- Special new Mobile Template
- User Login With all the features of the desktop page
- Quick zip and internal Google search
- Current info / news about Autogas / LPG
- Cost-Benefit Calculator for conversion
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On our website, you can easily download the latest version of Autogasvergleich.de WebApp LPG! No registration and SMS required!